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Sadly, Kramtoad is gone forever :-(

Sadly, but understandably, Mr. Kramtoad decided after 10 Years (2003 - 2013) to close his site.

He left a lenghty farewell message on his web page

Luckily, Mr. Kramtoad is supportive of the new web site dedicated to ballbusting, mentions in his farewell note, and allowed us to use the name “Kramtoad” as a reference until the end of September to help with the transition.

We are all very fond of Mr Kramtoad, and grateful for the many opportunities we have had for 10 years because of him, his site, and his (and both his successor admins’) work.

As far as Mr. Kramtoad goes, nothing better than the following can make the (lack of) any Kramtoad future more clear:


From: Kramtoad <>
To: Cooper Henderson <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 16:13 PM CST
Subject: Kramtoad [Archive made available on Scaffies site today]

I'm not quite sure what powers in the universe are protecting Kramtoad in all its various forms, perhaps a power greater than I ever dreamed, a power that has the ability to bring back Kramtoad from the dead every time I try to kill it. Each time I stamp it out the beast reappears in some other form to haunt me.

Please please please I can not fight this power alone... it is vast and abilities are great. Please help me fight it.

While I appreciate any imagined tributes, I want my site, in what ever form it may take, dead. Please shut it down NOW. I do not see the revival as an honor, a tribute or anything else but an insult and an aggravation.

Please deal with this immediately.



Scaffies will delete *everything* with the word “Kramtoad” in it as of 30 SEP 2013  


© Scaffies 2013