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master plan

The “Master Plan” - Ballbusting Social Media Site!

We are setting up a full-fledged Social Networking Site with:

  • Extended Profiles
  • (facebook-like) global, personal, and group Activity Streams - without the ads :-)
  • Friend Connections (keep in touch better with those you often talk to anyway)
  • Groups
  • Site Tracking (overview of all activities when you log in)
  • Geo-Location option(s) - could lead to an improved “find me” / Radar search
  • Newsletters
  • Forums (for stories, for picture contests, video links, etc etc)
  • Smartphones and Tablets support (!)
  • Anti-spam plugins (!) with captcha, honeypots, and several other options
  • integrated (!) Chat with profile links for group and 1-on-1 (private messaging)
  • lots of additional, future options & plugins - to keep it interesting long-term
  • the whole things runs on BuddyPress, based on WordPress (“the world’s most powerful web publishing software”) - so it is open source, widely used, and stable - very 21st century, and should carry us to 2020 :)
    ---> the thanks for the choice & setup goes to David / Lunarbevel


    1. Installation is in progress - follow the Change Log
    2. the 10-year Kramtoad history - we may just make the last backup site available online for you to go through old stories and picture contests, if you feel like it - or import some of the content (this part is not decided, yet) see the Kramtoad R.I.P.
    3. it looks like we will have everything ready and operational for you to sign up and get going before the end of September, when we have to retire the Kramtoad name

Comments, please, if you like, below :-)

We are building Scaffies for you, and think this should be more than you could possibly desire? Either way: this is the time to speak up and influence all decisions!

So here goes - no such thing as TMI :-)
- remember: any post with a URL link inside is pending approval -- no spammers here :)
- if you see ads here: you should be using FireFox with the ABP Advertisement Blocker - both are free and work

feedback thumbs

one more thing: you CAN attach pictures to your comments - but we urge you to err on the easy side of sexy - and everything that is clearly NC-17 or adult (full frontal nudity, boners, ... you know what it is) to please submit to the Scaffies tumblr - it will keep the site classier :-)

(they are tied to the exact URL - should be back in the next 48 hours - see the Change Log)

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© Scaffies 2013