If you want to stay in touch with your favorite Chat Partners, and want to be listed here, please send an an email to Stukka@Scaffies.com with your original Kramtoad name, what service(s) you use (Yahoo / GoogleTalk / IRC, etc) and your name on that service.
This is only temporary - sometime during this month we hope to have a new site going, quite similar to what you were used to.
{all of these entries were requested by the respective owners]
Former Kramtoad Name / which Service? - Name there:
c00p3r89 / Y! Messenger - c00p3r89
Stukka / Y! Messenger - stukka
Radgie / Y! Messenger - scottishradgie
boxers456 / Y! Messenger - boxers456
namadus / Skype - namadus00
mxmachonuts / Email - guerreromacho88@gmail.com
balzboizz / Email - balzboizz@yahoo.com
BlanketParty / Y! Messenger - rossfreymer
Gumaer / Y! Messenger - rileygumaer
UKsteve / Y! Messenger + Email - lotuspoint2002@yahoo.co.uk
2evilballs / YouTube - Dos Bolas
Castrator34 / Skype - castrator34
BrunoBigBalls / GoogleTalk + Email - brunowrestlejock@gmail.com
CalvinBln / Xtube+Recon - CalvinBln / IRC - KickMyNutz / Email - hart.in.die.eier@freakmail.de
HurtMeBad / Y! Messenger - adaml606
DCnwGuy / Email - dcnwguy6@gmail.com
EyeTaliano / Y! Messenger - eyetaliano3@yahoo.com
Bustntake / Y! Messenger - bc58912
KinkySubGuyCA / Y! Messenger - kinksubguyca / Email - kinkysubguy@hotmail.com
GirlsFeetHurt / Email - girlsfeethurt@gmail.com
BustedDad / Y! Messenger - thom1978m4mga / Email - thom1978m4mga@yahoo.com
YoungBigBalls / Emails: nutcracker_george@hotmail.com youngbigballs@gmail.com
JMI / Email (Y! Messenger) - johnnyg_mi@yahoo.com
Paulie89 / Email - VarsityTrack23@gmail.com
NutSlugr / Email - NutShotsPhoenix@gmail.com
NutButter / Y! Messenger - HotSpur31 / Skype - nutbutter888
Londonballs / Y! Messenger - JoshBallsUK / Xtube - LondonBalls